523 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014

Transportation comments

我刚和我们的一位住院医生谈过,她已经使用柯维纳运输公司一段时间了. Cheryl Burki, and she wanted to share her wonderful experiences with PCAM. 她觉得自从过渡以来,服务有了明显的改善,尤其是调度员. Ms. Burki说自从你的公司接管后她没有被拒绝过, the reservationists “know what they’re doing,” and there have been “no problems at all.具体来说,她提到调度员玛丽亚帮了大忙. Ms. Burki说她过去已经和Mario分享过她的满足感, but wanted to make sure that the City is aware of her experiences as well. Thank you for all your efforts!
Alvin Ho

我们接到了很多关于蒙罗维亚新闻的电话,乘客要求与经理通话, today was one of those days where I received a call from a passenger named Maria Parkensen expressing her feelings on how thankful and happy she is of PCA taking over the transportation for Monrovia she expressed how delightful and helpful dispatch is every time she calls she never receives a NO for an answer she’s always given what she needs or she’s offered different options. 她还称赞了所有司机,表示他们都很有礼貌, 彬彬有礼,乐于助人,她提到这座城市从未有过这么好的服务.
Lorena De Leon

I just wanted to pass along a note from my Director, Tina Cherry; she took the shuttle to Station Square for one of our Concerts at the Park events and said the service was terrific. 她还提到Moses非常专业,提供了很好的服务. 最重要的是,摩西没有意识到他正在驾驶一个主管和部门经理,但仍然提供了很好的服务. 我只是想把这个传下去谢谢你们一直以来提供的优质服务. Keep up the great work!
Alex Tachiki

What Our Clients Say About Our Team

我想让你知道我对你的一个员工印象深刻他叫威廉·维吉尔! 我儿子已经在CHLA工作7个月了,这对他来说是一段艰难的旅程. Everyday I am in and out of the parking lot there, 威廉·维吉尔是在停车场工作的停车服务员之一. His customer service and kindness is exemplary! 在停车场受到这位先生的尊敬和友好的对待真是太好了, and always greeted with a smile and a wave. I just wanted to let you know that he is a wonderful asset to your organization.
Tracey Sayles, CHLA

I have been an employee at Adventist Health Glendale for over a decade, 我觉得很有必要和你分享一下你的员工对我们医院的积极影响. Joseph Lopez has been a great addition to your team. 他以友善、热情和专业的态度迎接每一位员工,这是值得称赞的. He is quick to remember what car we drive, and as he sees us approaching the parking lot from below, he finds our keys and walks towards us with a, “Have a great evening,” or some other sincere phrase. 在漫长而疲惫的一天结束时看到约瑟夫总是让我脸上露出笑容. He is a true gem.

Heather Ward, LMFT,行为健康治疗指导中心行为健康 & Recovery Services
Glendale Adventist Medical Center

我只是想让你知道医院最近实施的新代客服务对我和我的儿媳来说是多么的幸运. My son was in the hospital for 8 days. During his stay we used the valet service daily. 伊莱亚斯非常棒,总是跑着去拿别人的车,即使那周天气很热. He always greeted us with a friendly manner and smile and greeted us by our name. 快下班的时候,他会把我们的车开过来,把钥匙留给门房,或者我们在他走之前去他那里拿钥匙. 在一天结束的时候,当你和你所爱的人度过了漫长的一天,有你的车在那里是一种很棒的感觉. Elias is the right person for that valet service. Also the concierge Heide always friendly with a big smile. 我想你会想知道我们和其他许多人是如何欣赏这项新服务的.

Bonnie Nicola, Simi Valley Hospital

Hospitality Reviews

The Westin Long Beach

Valet did an amazing job.
Hyatt Regency Orange County


有几位顾客表示,这个男仆很棒,乐于助人,乐于助人,而且非常个人化. Valet always remembered names and cars ready. 一位顾客说:“瑞克、加里和鲁本的贴身男仆是那里最好的东西. 他们是你见到的第一个人,所以他们真的定下了基调,他们真的很棒. Can’t say enough good things about those guys, especially Rick and Gary.”

Kathleen Callahan had this to say, “All staff were gracious and professional, yet I’d like to single out Rene at guest check-in/valet area. He was helping multiple guests and made each feel the most important. When I thanked him for his kindness, 他的回答是,他喜欢帮助别人,他很感激我们参观他的房子. 他的真诚显而易见,这也是我开始更经常住在凯悦酒店的原因之一. Thank you.”

Viry Esquivel and Sampson Thom had this to say about their experience, “First and foremost, I would like to extend my gratitude to the staff at Hyatt Regency at Indian Wells. 我的男朋友是一名现役的美国海军陆战队员,他最近刚刚接受了膝关节前交叉韧带手术. 我们想周末出游,根据我们过去在凯悦酒店的经验决定了这个地点. Upon arrival we were greeted with great staff. 我们和乔恩登记入住,他允许我们提前入住,并为我们提供了一间能看到泳池美景的房间. 第一天之后,服务员就开始认识我们,无论我们去哪里,他们都会和我们打招呼.

我为致力于提供优质服务的AAA级玩家工作,这是迄今为止最杰出的服务. Everyone kept helping my boyfriend and asked us how we were doing. I must say that the valet staff is superior in customer service. 我们在龙舌兰餐厅用餐,那里的服务员和调酒师对我们照顾得很好. Everyone played such a prominent role in making our stay beyond great. Having worked in a field who strives to make daily customer service goals, I must say that we are completely overall satisfied with our stay.

There was nothing that made us feel otherwise. We also were granted a late check-out at 4:00pm, which is rarely unheard of, but management was understanding that our flight did not depart until 6:00pm. 我和男友打算回来庆祝我的生日,期待与凯悦酒店的家人和员工一起拥有更多新的回忆和更好的服务!”
Hyatt Regency Indian Wells

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